
You may insert an iframe on a website page to link to streaming content or online forms at other websites. Your website visitor stays at your website but has access to the content at the other website. Features and functions inside the iframe work just as they do at the other website.

As a special case, using an iframe is the only way to present a YouTube playlist on a Wildfire website.

Your Digital Publishing Manager or workshop facilitator will need to help you prepare your website for using an iframe. Instructions for inserting an iframe are found in Unit 02, Chapter 15, Section E.

On this page are two examples of using an iframe to present content from another website.



Below is a dictionary hosted at Webonary.org and featured here inside an iframe.

  • Try navigating around the dictionary.




Below is a playlist hosted at the YouTube website and presented here in an iframe.

  • Click on the small icon at the upper right of the frame to see the full playlist.

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